Frequently Asked Questions
How much time does someone have to register?
When a user clicks on a referral link, they have 30 days to then create an account. Any amount they pay within the first year of creating an account will earn you commissions.
What’s this for?
Sending traffic to
How long does the cookie last?
Cookies that mark a visitor with your link expire after 30 days. This means they need to create an account within 30 days of clicking your link to be counted.
When do I get payouts?
There’s a pending period of 45 days after payments are completed by users. This is to avoid chargebacks, refunds, and other fraudulent activity. After 45 days, the funds will become available to withdraw.
How do I get paid?
We currently only payout via PayPal or in the form of zindolabs Credit.
When does a lead have to convert (pay) for me to get paid?
Users that sign up must start paying for zindolabs within 180 days for you to receive credit for their payments.